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Message: #07385

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Re: [EP-tech] How to add form in "Request a copy"

Hi Izwan,


The 'requests' are dataobject - very similar to an EPrint, or a User, so you can add fields in the same way:


In a config file e.g. [EPRINTS_ROOT]/archives/[ARCHIVE_ID]/cfg/cfg.d/z_request_fields.pl


push @{$c->{fields}->{request}},


        name => "contact_num",

        type => "text",



        name => "id_num",

        type => "text",



Test the config is OK:

> [EPRINTS_ROOT]/bin/epadmin test [ARCHIVE_ID]


Add the phrases to e.g. [EPRINTS_ROOT]/archives/[ARCHIVE_ID]/cfg/lang/en/phrases/z_request_fields.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

<!DOCTYPE phrases SYSTEM "entities.dtd">

<epp:phrases xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epp="http://eprints.org/ep3/phrase" xmlns:epc="http://eprints.org/ep3/control">

  <epp:phrase id="request_fieldname_contact_num">Contact number</epp:phrase>

  <epp:phrase id="request_fieldhelp_contact_num">A number that we can contact you on to discuss your request if necessary </epp:phrase>


  <epp:phrase id="request_fieldname_id_num">ID number</epp:phrase>

  <epp:phrase id="request_fieldhelp_id_num">The identification number from your staff/student card</epp:phrase>



Then run:

> [EPRINTS_ROOT]/bin/epadmin update [ARCHIVE_ID]

This will add the columns to the database


Finally, copy the default request workflow to the repository config:

> mkdir [EPRINTS_ROOT]/archives/[ARCHIVE_ID]/cfg/workflows/request

> cp [EPRINTS_ROOT]/lib/workflows/request/default.xml [EPRINTS_ROOT]/archives/[ARCHIVE_ID]/cfg/workflows/request/


Test the config again:

> [EPRINTS_ROOT]/bin/epadmin test [ARCHIVE_ID]


Restart Apache (this command depends on which operating system you use - you may need to do something slightly different!)

> sudo service httpd graceful


This will get you to a point where the data can be submitted into your system.

The next part you probably want to do is to include this information in the email sent to the contact_email address.


To do this, you need to create a local version (subclass) of the EPrints::Plugin::Screen::Public::RequestCopy module.

I'm still working out exactly what you need to do for this part. I'll write it up as a wiki page!






From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Mohd Izwan Salim
Sent: 02 August 2018 06:21
To: EPrints Tech Team <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Subject: [EP-tech] How to add form in "Request a copy"


Dear Eprints Community

Can some one guide me on how to add a new form
- Contact Num.
- ID Num
in Request a copy page.

