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Message: #02131

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[EP-tech] Re: eprints-3.3.12.tar.gz ./configure fault

hi seb.

thanks for fixing.
configure is running now, but i can't get eprints running on a opensuse maschine.

as host i'm using opensuse12.4 x64

i use the lateste eprints-3.3.12.tar.gz

as root: ./configure --with-user=eprints --with-group=eprints >>> ok
??? but why are debian rules create (i.e. config.status: creating debian/rules ….) ???

make install	to /opt/eprints3

sed -i 's/&nbsp;/ /g' /opt/eprints3/lib/lang/en/phrases/system.xml

as user eprints: ./epadmin create archiv
- some Unrecognised file in website: /opt/eprints3/archives/eptest1/html/en/information.html

should i add this tasks as separated emails in the mailinglist?


Am 30.07.2013 14:12, schrieb Sebastien Francois:
Problem now fixed and files.eprints.org is up-to-date, thanks for
reporting the issue.


PS: some background info: the configure script had been changed to
install EP as the current user, whilst it used to default to
'eprints:eprints'. I've reverted to that.

On 30/07/13 12:44, Sebastien Francois wrote:

Yep you're correct, I can recreate this issue on Ubuntu.

While I'm trying to fix this, you may run the following command:

./configure --with-user=eprints --with-group=eprints


On 30/07/13 10:51, stof999@cmdt.ch wrote:

when installing eprints-3.3.12.tar.gz
the ./configure script checks for user root?
- checking whether to check the user root exists... yes
- checking whether the user root exists... no
- configure: error: User root does not appear to exist
- break!

user root and eprints exist. script is running as root.

hostsystem: opensuse12.3 x64

this might be a fault in the configure script?

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