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[EP-tech] Funding and project information in EPrints

Dear Eprints Community

In our repository we would like to enable funding and project information (from our national funder, the EC to get compliant with OpenAIRE and other funding organisations).
I’m aware of the CRIS Plugin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXOhkTUObRU) which allows you to enter project and organization information as free text and autocompletion. And there is the OpenAIRE Plugin, which allow you to do something similar, just for EC projects. At the OR2013 two weeks ago Sebastien gave a preview on current development for ROS, where funder/project data is extracted from http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/project/2B7595DF-D039-4E96-967C-71A179290C4D and then presented in a separate stage of the deposit workflow to select the appropriate project from a list.

To me it seems a interesting idea to mix all those approaches together, to some kind of universal funding and project stage, where one rather has to select from prepopulated data (like the project data from the EC is available here: http://www.openaire.eu/en/support/guides/repository-managers) and use the manual entry where the data is not available: 

For the organizations the controlled vocabulary of FundRef could be used: http://www.crossref.org/fundref/fundref_registry.html
This also would establish compatibility to funding information, which could be imported from CrossRef like: http://doi.crossref.org/servlet/query?pid=epentz@crossref.org&format=unixref&id=10.1063%2F1.4718018

So before we will start a project with our own requirements, I wonder if there is someone else who is interested in such a plugin and is willing to contribute to it’s development or the conceptual design? Maybe there are requirements for defined project lists from other national funders or content from CRIS which also could be used?

Please let me know.
Kind regards

Christian Gutknecht
University of Bern
University Library
Münstergasse 61
CH-3000 Bern 8
Tel. +41 31 631 3747
