
This page is intended to help repository owners and administrators who need to provide accessibility information. We recommend following the sample Accessibility Statement template on the website and include references to the sections below.

The EPrints software is an open source solution which can be significantly customised and extended.  Our accessibility testing and information contained on these pages applies to the out-of-the-box vanilla installation of EPrints which has not been branded or customised in any way. Repository owners will need to ensure they test and cover customisations and extensions that have been applied.

We encourage repository owners to ensure they are running on the latest version of EPrints to benefit from built in accessibility improvements.

How accessible EPrints is

In your accessibility statement under the section identified as ‘How accessible this website is‘ we suggest you include the following text. This includes a link through to a page on which we identify known parts of vanilla EPrints which are not accessible.

This website runs on the open source software EPrints version [version number] and has been customised for our own requirements and branding. The parts of EPrints which are not fully accessible prior to these customisations can be found in a list provided on the central EPrints Accessibility information page – How accessible EPrints is

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

In your accessibility statement under the ‘Non-accessible content’ section, we suggest you include the following text. This includes a link through to a page where we identify known problems of parts of vanilla EPrints and the WCAG standard it relates to.

The parts of EPrints which are not fully compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards prior to our customisations can be found in a list provided on the EPrints Accessibility information page – Non accessible content

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

3.4.2 is our latest release of EPrints which addresses a number of known accessibility issues identified with earlier versions. We encourage all EPrints users to upgrade to this version to benefit from these improvements.

In your accessibility statement under the ‘What we’re doing to improve accessibility‘ section we suggest you include the following text. This includes a link through to our accessibility roadmap of improvements.

[Repository name] runs on the open source software EPrints version [version number] and has been customised for our own requirements and branding. The EPrints Accessibility information pages show how and when EPrints plan to improve accessibility with their software releases – EPrints accessibility roadmap