
3.4.3 is our latest release of EPrints which addresses a number of known accessibility issues. We encourage all EPrints users to upgrade to this version to benefit from these improvements*

In this roadmap “accessibility compliant” is intended to mean that a page reports no errors, alerts or contrast errors according to the Chrome Extension of the WAVE web accessibilty evaluation tool. For the purposes of this roadmap “user-generated content” will be considered as that generated by EPrints’ testdata/bin/import_test_data script.

EPrints 3.4.3 release

An accessibility report for EPrints 3.4.3 is available for review which details results of our tests of accessibility compliance.

In addition to the work in previous releases, EPrints 3.4.3 now resolves all errors and most alerts on backend administration pages. A number of bug fixes are also included to improve upon previous updates. Further details can be found on EPrints 3.4.3 Release Note pages of our wiki.

Future releases

Our commitment to accessibility improvements to EPrints continues and along with the wider community we will continue to make incremental updates as new versions are released.

Our EPrints 3.4.4 pages of our wiki includes planned improvements. If you identify any issues you would like us to check against the EPrints core release or have recommended improvements please get in touch.

* Please note: If you have applied your own custom branding to your EPrints repository you will need to carry out your own accessibility tests on this to ensure compliance with accessibility regulations and standards.