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Re: [EP-tech] cannot upload file above 1GB

Hi Yuri,

Should be fixed now.  I forgot that there were two places in the code where this message is printed and copied the wrong one, which included file.name, which was not defined within that function.


David Newman

On 23/01/2023 10:08 am, Yuri Carrer via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Il 23/01/23 10:49, David R Newman via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
Hi Yuri,

Sorry, looks like a copy and paste failure that only copied part of the line.  I have now fixed this.  Before the weekend I also noted another bit of additional _javascript_ that was missing.  Did you follow the guide as it now is with 4 points of modifications needed to the currently released _javascript_/auto/88_uploadmethod_file.js?

I've copied it again. Now I've found that in

if (json.size > max_size)
     eprints.currentRepository().phrase( {'Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File:filesize_too_big':{} },function(phrase){ alert (file.name+": \n"+ phrase["Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File:filesize_too_big"]);  } ) ;

you reference "file" while in UploadMethod_update_progress_bar(uuid, container, pe) there's no file variable. The alert popup prints "ReferenceError: file is not defined". I think that in this function there's no info about the file.

Note: this is eprints 3.3.15


David Newman

On 23/01/2023 9:13 am, Yuri wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hi David!

 I think this part is missing some closings:

if (json.size > max_size)
    eprints.currentRepository().phrase( {'Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File:filesize_too_big':{} },function(phrase){ alert (phrase["Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File

I manage to make it work adding the closings (the upload is cancelled if the limit is exceeded) but the aler popup "undefined" instead of the phrase above. Here the code:

                         if (json.size > max_size)
                            eprints.currentRepository().phrase( {'Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File:filesize_too_big':{} },function(phrase){ alert (phrase["Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UploadMethod/File"])})

Il 20/01/23 17:39, David R Newman ha scritto:

Ah, I forgot that HTML/XML markup needs to be encoded, (i.e. with &lt; and &gt;).  Now fixed.

On 20/01/2023 12:36, Yuri via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

3. After the line add the following if block:


here it is missing the line number or code.

Il 20/01/23 10:35, David R Newman via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
Hi Yuri,

I was going to suggest modifying the value for max_size in your _javascript_/auto/88_uploadmethod_file.js but then realised that the concept of max_size is only in a local modification I made.  So I have written some instructions for how to modify your own 88_uploadmethod_file.js:


If you (or anyone else on the list that wants to try this) could tell me how following these instructions goes, that would be useful.  In case there are any corrections I need to make to them.


David Newman

On 20/01/2023 8:44 am, Yuri wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Yes, it was it! Thanks a lot!

When you hit the limit, the _javascript_ does not complain. Is there a way to intercept the Apache event denying the upload? Or it is better to have the _javascript_ to check itself for the limit?

Il 19/01/23 17:58, David R Newman ha scritto:

Hi Yuri,

I suspect this may be an Apache restriction on LimitRequestBody [1].  The default value for this is 1073741824 bytes which is 1 GiB.  I think you can put this in any Apache configuration file but as you want to make sure this is maintained if you migrate your repository, I would recommend adding it to your archive's securevhost.conf, as I would assume you have HTTPS enabled and therefore file uploads would only happen over HTTPS.  A setting something like:

LimitRequestBody 2147483648

Would up the max upload limit to 2GB, once you reload your webserver.


David Newman

[1] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#limitrequestbody

On 19/01/2023 16:33, Yuri via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.


  I've just discovered that I can upload until 1GB without any problem
(progress bar working correctly). If I upload above 1GB, the upload bar
stay at 0% and never move, and no upload is done. In the browser, I can
see it calls /cgi/users/ajax/upload_progress?progressid=<a string> about
every 1 or 2 seconds, and the transferred bytes are zero. Below 1GB, I
can see the number of transferred bytes progressing.

  How can I check what is the problem? It is Eprints 3.3.15

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Yuri Carrer

 CAB - Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche, Università di Padova
 Tel: 049/827 9712 - Via Beato Pellegrino, 28 - Padova

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