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Message: #07772

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Re: [EP-tech] Bazaar Update Gone Wrong - ORCID Support

Hi James,

The "Duplicate field name encountered: user.orcid" error will occur if you have an ORCID field defined for your user dataset elsewhere. The ORCID Plugin attempts to add one as well, operating under the assumption that the repository doesn't yet have fields for storing ORCIDs in. It makes some attempt to try and work out if such a field is already present, but it looks like this is not as sophisticated as it needs to be.

Therefore to fix this problem rather than simply disable orcid_support.pl completely I'd recommend just commenting out the lines where it tries to add the ORCID field to the user dataset, i.e. the lines between #---Users---# (line 26) and #---Eprints---# (line 47) and then perhaps run an epadmin test (which should highlight issues such as duplicate field definitions) to see if it is ok to restart the server again.

I can't see why the "Undefined subroutine &EPrints::ORCID::Utils::get_normalised_orcid called at (eval 222) line 9." error should appear as the Bazaar plugin appears to have this file and this function. Re-enabling z_orcid_support.pl may well fix this however, once the previous fix is in place.

Many thanks,


From: James Kerwin Via Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> [eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk] Sent: 04 April 2019 10:39 To: Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> Subject: [EP-tech] Bazaar Update Gone Wrong - ORCID Support
Hello again,

I have a follow-up question to me earlier one.

I attempted to upgrade the orcid support plugin to V1.7. I got an error page saying:

Duplicate field name encountered: user.orcid

After restarting the server the repository went down. I changed all the following in the orcid_zupport.pl script to:

#Enable the plugin!
$c->{plugins}{"Orcid"}{params}{disable} = 1;
$c->{plugins}{"Screen::Report::Orcid::UserOrcid"}{params}{disable} = 1;
$c->{plugins}{"Screen::Report::Orcid::AllUsersOrcid"}{params}{disable} = 1;
$c->{plugins}{"Screen::Report::Orcid::CreatorsOrcid"}{params}{disable} = 1;
$c->{plugins}{"Export::Report::CSV::CreatorsOrcid"}{params}{disable} = 1;

In order to disable the plugin. Still no signs of life from the server. Changed the name of the script to end in .".pl.broken". Restarted the server and got life, but on the staff view of an eprint I get an error:

Undefined subroutine &EPrints::ORCID::Utils::get_normalised_orcid called at (eval 222) line 9.

Does anybody know what caused this and how I fix it?


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