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[EP-tech] Digital Development Officer (E-Repositories) Role - University of Warwick

******  Apologies for Cross-Posting ******


We are looking to recruit a full time, permanent Digital Development Officer (E-Repositories) to join our team here at the University of Warwick.


The post holder will play a key role in supporting the development and use of our repository environments - supporting the technical and software development of our institutional publications and data repository, WRAP (http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk)  in the first instance.  Priorities over the coming period will include further development of the University’s repository platform (currently EPrints) to support and enhance user experience, staff processes and reporting, as well as support for the REF 2021 submission. The post will be responsible for contributing to the stable running and security of the software as well as planning for the long term software sustainability of the service. This will involve working with the Digital Development Manager and the E-Repositories Manager to develop robust user requirements and appropriate user journeys for the service and evaluate available systems against these requirements.


You will require a strong technical understanding of the technologies that underpin repository software and have good interpersonal skills as the post will involve close, collaborative, working with different partners across the University and with third-party software support services. Experience and a keen interest in the use of technology in a University environment, especially to support research and scholarly communications, will be useful, as well as previous experience working with repository or digital assets management software.


For more information and to apply:

University of Warwick Job Vacancies


The closing date for applications is 29 July 2018 and the interviews will be held on the 9 August 2018.


If anyone is interested please feel free to get in touch for further information and informal enquiries.


Best regards,



Yvonne Budden
Head of Scholarly Communications  |  Library  |  University of Warwick
y.c.budden@warwick.ac.uk  |  External: 02476 151275 |  Internal: 51275


Library  |  University of Warwick  | Gibbet Hill Road  |  Coventry  |  CV4 7AL  | Find us on the interactive map


To be eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF, authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts of journals and conference papers must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository within three months of acceptance for publication.

HEFCE Policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework