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[EP-tech] OR2017 Final registration reminder!

OR2017 Final registration reminder!


Don’t forget to register for the Open Repositories Conference taking place in Brisbane June 26th to 30th. Registration will close on June 21st.


The full program is available online: https://or2017.net/program/. In particular, notice our excellent keynotes Sir Timothy Gowers and Dr Xiaolin Zhang: https://or2017.net/speakers/.


Find details about registration and visa applications here: https://or2017.net/attending/.


We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane at this year’s Open Repositories conference!


Host Organising Committee

Linda O’Brien, Griffith University

Maureen Sullivan, Griffith University

Lousie Howard, Griffith University

Bob Gerrity, The University of Queensland

Heather Todd, The University of Queensland

Lori Bowe, Griffith University

Susanne Osborne, Griffith University


Contact: or2017@qut.edu.au


OR 2017 Program Committee Co-Chairs

Linda O’Brien, Griffith University

Andrea Schweer, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Elin Stangeland, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway


Contact: or17-program-chairs@googlegroups.com