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Message: #04583

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[EP-tech] Re: "max_items" limit


You can also change max_items in your cfg.d/views.pl :

                id => 'year',
                citation => 'view',
                menus => [
                                fields => [ 'date;res=year' ],
                                reverse_order => 1,
                                allow_null => 1,
                hideup => 1,
*max_items => 3000*,


Le 26/08/2015 19:08, Tomasz Neugebauer a écrit :
I thought I would share something that we stumbled on recently: there is a max_items limit set somewhere EPrints (I'm not sure where?) that will result in the following error message for browse views that exceed it:

"The number of items (2001) for this view has exceeded system limits (2000). The system administrator either needs to increase "max_items" or apply additional filters to this view."

Google search of this error message reveals that are a few EPrints repositories that stumble on this limit in their browse views.

For us, it was the browse by doctype > theses, as we have more than 2000 theses.  We solved this issue by further sub-dividing by year the browse view that was attempting to display more than max_items:

		id=> "doctype",
		 allow_null => 1,
          		hideempty => 1,
				allow_null => 1,
               				  hideempty => 1,
				fields => [ "date;res=year" ],
				reverse_order => 1,
                 			allow_null => 1,
                 			hideempty => 1,
				new_column_at => [10,10],


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