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Message: #09888

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[EP-tech] Ingredients / flavours

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I'm in the process of migrating a couple of long-standing v3.3 repositories into v3.4, both run under one instance of EPrints.


They are both 'publications' type repositories, and are close to the 'pub_lib' flavour, but have differing needs in terms of ingredients.

Is there a way at the repository configuration level to include/exclude an ingredient from a flavour?



repo1 -> flavour: pub (uses all defaults)

repo2 -> flavour: pub BUT exclude ingredients/datesdatesdates; include ingredients/oai_uketd_dc


Is the idea in the above situation that I should just create a new flavour – make changes in the inc file, and make repo2 use that flavour?





PS I've made the OAI_UKETD_DC bazaar package into an ingredient: https://github.com/eprintsug/oai_uketd_dc (see the 'ingredient' branch). I'm not sure I've done everything needed though – but it does seem to work as expected.


John Salter



White Rose Libraries Technical Officer
IT - Application Support (Research)
University of Leeds