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Message: #09622

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RE: [EP-tech] coversheets

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hi all, adding to the thread but replying out of order (sorry)


> A question for the community: would you recommend the coversheets plugin?

> https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Coversheets#Overview

> The code hasn't been updated since 2014, so is it working well?

> https://bazaar.eprints.org/350/

> What are the main advantages/disadvantages of it?

> More specifically, does it make it easier for Google Scholar to index the content?

> Is it a practical way to satisfy some publisher requirements that demand a coverpage statement like this?


> Thank you for any comments on this!


> Tomasz


We have what is essentially a fork of that plugin, which we probably started around 2014. There have been issues over time which we’ve patched and modified, but I can’t remember any of them OTOH. A lot of our changes are institution-specific so they rarely get pushed back upstream.


In our case, the coverpage is specifically for galley proofs and drafts that don’t have a sufficient title page of their own, or any of the usual declarations of authorship/copyright/instution/etc. For example https://eprints.qut.edu.au/48983/ So we prepend a boilerplate coverpage.* That is the version that is presented to all site visitors, including search engines; however the thumbnail is of the first page of original text. (Otherwise everything would just have thumbnails of our boilerplate coverpage.)


More final documents, working papers, and especially theses tend not to get a coverpage applied, because they have their own built-in. And it’s not usually relevant on presentation slides.




* I’ve just learned, by looking at that example, that it doesn’t like some of the non-ASCII characters in the Te Reo Māori text. I’ll have to fix that.


Matty Kerwin (he/him)

Web Developer
EDR Development
Digital Business Solutions


Queensland University of Technology
Email: matthew.kerwin@qut.edu.au
KG-X232, Kelvin Grove Campus