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Message: #08148

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Re: [EP-tech] Eprints show default apache page

Hi Aris Kurniawan,

This sounds like the virtualhost for EPrints is only configured for a particular IP address.  If you are on campus then users accessing EPrints will be connecting on that IP address but when they are off campus they will be using a different IP address*.  Running EPRINTS_PATH/generate_static --system --replace should generate the HTTP configuration and not restrict to an IP address.  However, the HTTPS configuration needs to be manually configured in EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/ssl/securevhost.conf.  If you edit this file and make sure the VirtualHost lines look like:

<VirtualHost *:443>

If the * is substituted with an IP address then that will be your problem.  Assuming you have no other websites running on the server then it is safe to change the IP address to *. Even if you do have other sites hosted on the server it should be OK but check to make sure those sites are still OK after restarting Apache.

If this does not look to be the issue.  Please could you send me the output of the following (use the first if you are running RedHat, CentOS or Fedore and the second if you are running Ubuntu or Debian):

httpd -S

. /etc/apache2/envvars && apache2 -S

Ideally run this commands as the root user although they should work without.


David Newman

*Often an organisation will use the (defined as a private IP address range that will not get routed across the Internet) inside their organisation but for website to be accessible outside the organisation they will need a non-private address as well as one in the

On 29/04/2020 12:48, zulkarnain via Eprints-tech wrote:
Your DNS and Apache is working but there are.no eprints services. Diconfigurasi dulu ris.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 18:23, Aris Kurniawan via Eprints-tech
Help me
eprints server is still local, only accessible to computers that are
connected to the server.  along with the needs of students and campus
I request domain and public IP.
but there is a problem.  eprints can only be accessed if using campus
internet, if not using campus internet the browser display is the
default apache page.
how do i resolve this?
This is my url eprints for repository my campus

Thank you
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