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[EP-tech] Re: Xapian Search

Sorry, I think that I have to make my question more understandable...

We have configured our search this way :

$c->{search}->{simple} = {
  search_fields => [
                       id => "q",
                       meta_fields => [

So all these fields should be indexed by Xapian

We have reloaded the config (epadmin), restarted Apache and reindexed our eprints.

But now we get two problems :

            1. We can't search by datestamp.

                        We tried "datestamp:2015-08-*", "datestamp:2015/08/*", "datestamp:201508*", ...
                        Nothing seems to work. We always get empty results.

                        Do you know what is the right syntax to do a Xapian search based in this field ?

            2. We can't search by creators_name

                        We can search by last name : creators_name:"Noyer"
                        Or by first name : creators_name:"Jean-Louis"

                        But we can't combine firsrt and last name :
                        creators_name:"Noyer Jean-Louis" or creators_name:"Noyer, Jean-Louis"
                        both  give and empty result set.

                        Do you know how to do such a search using both first and last name ?

Thank you for your help

Le 01/09/2015 15:25, Field A.N. a écrit :
Have you restarted the webserver?  Changes to the .pl files do not load automatically when the file changes.  You'll need to reload the configuration (/<eprints_root>/bin/epadmin reload [repositoryid]) or restart apache before the changes will be visible at the front end.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

On 27 Aug 2015, at 17:17, Lessard Josée wrote:

I have two questions on research Xapian :
1.   How query the fields : datestamp ?
2.   How query the fields :  creators_name (name_family with name_given ) ?

We added fields (datestamp and creators_name)  in the file cfg.d/eprints_search_simple.pl and reindexed the database.
$c->{search}->{simple} = 
                    search_fields => [
                                                             id => "q",
                                                             meta_fields => [
Thank you for your help

Josée Lessard

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