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[EP-tech] Re: Export plugin with views.pm features

Hmm I don't think so - INCLUDE's are static files generated on-disk. Searches etc do not generate such pages. But there must be some export formats that will output stuff that you can include somewhere else (like 'HTML Citation').

It could be helpful to provide more examples of what you're trying to achieve. So far, your example is covered by the standard search (which has all the export functions you want).


On 30/07/14 20:25, Gaston.Fournier@etsmtl.ca wrote:

That’s a good starting point and it is working well once you have added the following instructions just at the beginning of the cgi :




use strict;

use warnings;

use EPrints;

my $eprints = EPrints->new;

my $repo = $eprints->current_repository;

exit( 0 ) unless defined $repo;


But the big question is : can we get an output with views.pm features (like INCLUDE) without rewriting views.pm? Is there an export plugin with such features (or close to)?


At the end, the idea is to have a script, which the syntax is similar to the ones we use for harvesting, like : http://espace-test.etsmtl.ca/cgi/oai2?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc where

metadataPrefix calls the export plugin.





De : eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] De la part de Sebastien Francois
Envoyé : 30 juillet 2014 12:39
À : eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Objet : [EP-tech] Re: Export plugin with views.pm features


Your example can be done via a search:


Searches can be exported (like any list of objects).

Otherwise you can write your own CGI (if your conditions are more complex) - something like (adapt to your needs):

my $list = $repo->dataset( 'archive' )->search(
    filters => [
           { meta_fields => [qw/ type /], value => 'article', match => 'EX', },
           { meta_fields => [qw/ refereed /], value => 'TRUE', match => 'EX', },
    ] );

binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );

$list->export( 'XML', fh => *STDOUT );


On 30/07/14 17:01, Gaston.Fournier@etsmtl.ca wrote:

Here is an example of the Boolean expressions used in a cgi script to generate a subset of eprints for the output :                                     


if ( $eprint->get_value( "type" ) eq "article" && $eprint->get_value( "refereed" ) eq "TRUE" )





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