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[EP-tech] Re: Setting OAI output plugins in EPrints 3.3

Hi Dennis,
I'm looking into a similar issue having migrated from 3.1 to 3.3.10.

If you look in the ~/cgi/oai2 code, (if I'm reading it right), the OAI2 script only looks for advertised plugins (see snippet below). I'm not sure if this is a sensible default.
I think I'd like some export formats to appear in the drop-down list for users (the 'advertised' ones), and some to be available for OAI.
How it used to work was better (IMO) - so perhaps there should be an option for either listing a set of repository-configured export formats, or, if that isn't configured, use the current code?

Does that make any sense?


sub ListMetadataFormats
        my( $repo, $response, $args ) = @_;

        my $eprint = $args->{identifier};

        my @plugins = sort {
                $a->param( "metadataPrefix" ) cmp $b->param( "metadataPrefix" )
        } $repo->get_plugins(
                metadataPrefix => "*",
                is_advertised => 1,

-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Dennis - UT
Sent: 02 September 2013 08:23
To: EPrints.org Technical List
Subject: [EP-tech] Setting OAI output plugins in EPrints 3.3


I'm upgrading from EPrints 3.2.9 to 3.3.12.

I noticed that it ignores my output plugin settings from oai.pl:
$oai->{v2}->{output_plugins} = {
    "nl_didl" => "DARE_OAI_DIDL",

I looked in the defaultcfg and noticed that this setting was dropped there.

How then can I configure the OAI output plugins in EPrints 3.3?


University of Twente
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