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Message: #00995

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[EP-tech] Associating eprints with other entities


I'd like our eprints to be searchable using attributes of other, associated entities. Specifically, we want to be able to search for eprints that were published in journals that match certain criteria (e.g. show all eprints published in OpenAccess journals). The attribute values of journals may of course change in time and such changes should be reflected immediately for all associated eprints.

The quickest and most primitive approach would be to reproduce the desired journal attributes as metadata fields on eprints themselves and set the values whenever an eprint is saved. But that would call for some mechanism to ensure consistency when the journals themselves change (e.g. if a journal becomes OpenAccess, update all eprints that were published in it accordingly, to support search; perhaps through a db trigger).

Furthermore, the direct approach of just storing the journal title in a text field (rather than some stable foreign key) seems bad for ensuring referential integrity (journal titles might change, too).

So I was wondering whether it would be proper to model the journals as a new dataset and use itemref type fields to refer to them, or whether there are other recommended approaches. Do you know of any examples that might point me into the right direction?

Jan Ploski