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[EP-tech] Re: Eprints error Language code unknown

Hi Igor,

Ha good!.. in 3.3.8, we didn't use the Xapian Stemmer (the thing that brought the error in 3.3.9) so it makes sense that it worked then. Generally 'uk' is not a valid language code (the language is English aka 'en'). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639.

I don't know what goes wrong in the advanced search / creators (note that Xapian only deals with the simple search, not the advanced one). Perhaps Tim B will have something to say on that one.


Thanks! I changed to en
$c->{defaultlanguage} = 'en'; , and now it's work!
In previous version (3.3.8) my  defaultlanguage was set to uk and works normal too. Interesting... =)
Is it ok If my default lang is uk and I set en?

On 03/05/12 18:52, Ігор Ростиславович wrote:
Also, I found one more problem in Xapian. When I try to search in the field Creators in Cyrillic it show me 0 results. In English it's ok.

2012/5/3 Ігор Ростиславович <admin@oa.edu.ua>
Thanks! I changed to en $c->{defaultlanguage} = 'en'; , and now it's work!
In previous version (3.3.8) my  defaultlanguage was set to uk and works normal too. Interesting... =)
Is it ok If my default lang is uk and I set en?

2012/5/3 Sebastien Francois <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
I reproduced the error, try applying:


However, change your default language to something else than 'uk' ;-)


On 03/05/12 15:10, Ігор Ростиславович wrote:
Hello. I had upgrade eprints to 3.3.9 from 3.3.8.
After upgrade, fast search stop work. When I type something it shows me: Internal Server Error
In error logs i see: [error] Exception: Language code uk unknown How can I fix it? Thanks.


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