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[EP-tech] Re: Import Items errors - please help

Hi Tim,

Am Freitag 16 März 2012 12:46:00 schrieb Tim Brody:
> Hi,
> Is this pasting the bibtex content in?
> Does it work if you upload a file instead?

In both cases same error occurs :(

> This may be related to this issue:
> http://trac.eprints.org/eprints/ticket/4035

May be not, I'm testing with r7487 yet - same error, but PubMed-ID import 
works fine.

BTW: Import from pubmed xml fails too. I'll post an extra report.
How I can write "ep_msg_warning_content" content into a log  file like 

Best regards

eprints r7487
opensuse 12.1 x86
kernel 3.2.9
libxml2 2.7.8
perl-XML-LibXML 1.95
perl-libxml-perl 0.08

> All the best,
> Tim.
> On Thu, 2012-03-15 at 15:32 +0100, Ulf Laube wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Import Items from BibTeX  :
> >
> > Unhandled warning in Import::BibTeX: Use of uninitialized value $type in
> > uc at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/BibTeX/Parser/Entry.pm line 17,
> > <fh00002mybib2.bib> line 3.
> >
> >  nl -ba mybib2.bib
> >      1
> >      2  @article{bla,
> >      3          author = {Arno Nyhm},
> >      4          title = {a revolutionary discovery},
> >      5          journal = {The journal of Madrapour},
> >      6          year = 1997,
> >      7          volume = {21}
> >      8  }
> >      9
> >
> > import works well in livecd_v3.1
> >
> > settings:
> > eprints-3.3.8
> > opensuse 12.1 x86
> > kernel 3.2.9
> > apache2-prefork-2.2.21
> > apache2-mod_perl-2.0.5
> > mysql-community-server-5.5.16
> > perl-5.14.2
> >
> > Thanks for help
> > regards
> > Ulf

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